Winners 2023 V Negotiation and Mediation Tournament for Business Professionals Winners Winners of the 2023 edition of the Negotiation and Mediation Tournament for Business The first place: Lafarge Holcim Negotiation team members: Paweł Wąchała, Konrad Gościniewicz, Sebastian Kusz The second place: Polish Aviation Group Negotiation team members: Karol Dyło, Piotr Kurdej, Tomasz Pyzera The third place: Lufthansa Global Business Services Negotiation team members: Agnieszka Łyszkiewicz, Ewa Szolc, Krzysztof Broniek Join us or ask a question Submit your negotiation team or register as beholder Register as mediator proxy or beholder Aby wypełnić ten formularz, włącz obsługę JavaScript w przeglądarce.UkładName *Contact email address *Last name *Contact phone number *Treść wiadomościPermission to use the image *I consent to the free use, recording, processing, duplication and dissemination of the image. The full text of the consentData processing agreement *I agree to the processing of my personal data by the Organizer of the Negotiation and Mediation Tournament. The full text of the consentYour consent is voluntary, but necessary to register the applicationMessageSend a request